Mulchgang: The TikTok Trend That’s Taking Over

Mulchgang: A TikTok Subculture That’s All About MulchMulchgang is a group of TikTok users who are passionate about mulch. They love to spread the word about the benefits of mulch and encourage others to use it in their gardens. Gang members are known for their creative videos, which often feature mulch puns, dances, and other forms of mulch-inspired entertainment.What is Mulchgang?Mulchgang is a subculture on TikTok that started in 2020. The group is known for its love of mulch, a material used to cover the soil around plants. Mulch helps to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Mulchgang members believe that mulch is an essential part of any garden and are passionate about spreading the word about its benefits.How Did Mulchgang Get Started?Mulchgang was started by a TikTok user named @copingwithcannabis. In one of his videos, he declared himself the “Mulch King” and encouraged others to use mulch in their gardens. The video quickly went viral, and soon other TikTok users were creating their own mulch-themed content.What Are Mulchgang’s Values?Mulch is a positive and inclusive community. The group’s members are passionate about gardening and want to help others learn about the benefits of mulch. Mulchgang is also known for its sense of humor. The group’s members often create funny videos about mulch, which helps to make gardening more enjoyable.How Can I Get Involved in Mulchgang?If you’re interested in getting involved in Mulch, there are a few things you can do. First, follow @copingwithcannabis and other Mulch members on TikTok. Next, create your own mulch-themed content and use the hashtag #mulch. Finally, join the Mulchgang Discord server to connect with other mulch enthusiasts.Mulchgang: More Than Just a TrendMulch is more than just a trend. The group is making a real difference in the gardening world. By encouraging others to use mulch, Mulching is helping to create healthier and more sustainable gardens.ConclusionMulchgang is a fun and informative community that’s passionate about gardening. If you’re looking for a way to get more involved in gardening, I encourage you to check out Mulch. You might just find yourself becoming a mulch enthusiast yourself!In addition to the above, here are some additional facts about Mulchgang:

  • Mulchgang has over 100,000 members on TikTok.
  • The group has been featured in several news articles, including articles in The New York Times and The Guardian.
  • Mulchgang has a website and a Discord server.

I hope this blog post has helped you learn more about Mulchgang. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.Thank you for reading!


