Donkey Kong Is THE BEST!! He Loves You

Donkey Kong: A Timeless Classic A Blast from the Past

DK is a fictional gorilla that has been a staple of the video game world since his debut in the 1981 arcade game of the same name. Created by Shigeru Miyamoto, DK has since appeared in a variety of games, including the Donkey Kong Country series, the Super Mario series, and the Mario Kart series. He is also one of the most recognizable video game characters of all time.

Donkey Kong’s Early Years

The original Donkey Kong arcade game was a huge success, and it helped to launch the career of Shigeru Miyamoto. The game was a simple platformer, but it was addictive and challenging. DK was the main antagonist of the game. He was a giant ape who kidnapped Pauline, a fairground worker. The player controlled Mario, a carpenter who had to rescue Pauline from Donkey Kong’s clutches.

Donkey Kong Country

In 1994, DK returned in Donkey Kong Country, a platformer for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). The game was developed by Rare, and it was a critical and commercial success. DK Country introduced Diddy, Donkey Kong’s sidekick and a playable character. The game also featured a new visual style, with pre-rendered 3D graphics that were superimposed on 2D backgrounds.

Donkey Kong in the Super Mario Series

DK has also appeared in a number of games in the Super Mario series. In these games, DK is typically portrayed as a villain who is trying to kidnap Pauline or Princess Peach. However, there are also some games in which DK is a playable character. For example, DK is a playable character in DK Jungle Beat, a game for the Wii.

Mario Kart

Donkey Kong has also appeared in every game in the Mario Kart series. He is a playable character in these games, and he is known for his powerful karts and his aggressive driving style.

DK Today

Donkey Kong is still a popular video game character today. He has appeared in a number of recent games, including DK Country: Tropical Freeze for the Nintendo Switch. He is also a popular character in merchandise, such as toys, clothing, and video games.

Donkey Kong’s Legacy

Donkey Kong is a timeless classic video game character. He is one of the most recognizable characters in all of gaming, and he has appeared in a variety of games that have been enjoyed by millions of people around the world. DK is sure to continue to be a popular character for many years to come.


Donkey Kong is a fun and challenging character who has been a part of the video game world for over 40 years. He is sure to continue to be a popular character for many years to come.

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